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Cubism in Photo



   This week, I completed the cubism assignment on photoshop. Cubism was an art movement in the early 1900s that abandoned a lot of rules that applied to art previously. It embraces a multi-perspective view and geometric shapes. I enjoy cubism as an art style, but had never thought of applying it to photography, so I was excited to work on this project. Although it was inspired by cubism, my final product came out with more linear and harsh shapes than a traditional cubist work might. 

    Above is my process to get to the final image. After creating the cubism effect, I decided to apply a gradient map on the photo to tone down the harsh green tones of the original photo. 


I used this video to help me create this image:

Cubism Revisited
rose copy.jpg

I decided to revisit this assignment later because I wanted to try it on a different photo. With this, I decided to edit the original first to give it a more soft, rosy effect. After doing this, instead of using triangles, I used boxes instead to see how it would look, and I am actually pretty happy with the final result.

IMG_1937 copy copy.jpg
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